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October 17, 2024: School Board Meeting Report

Here are the links to the agenda and YouTube video of the meeting.  The school board meetings have been unbelievably short this year.  

Below is the time stamp from the video with highlights of topics likely to be of interest to our members.

  • 1:21  FCEA President’s Report.  Jeannette acknowledged that FCUSD Community Schools have been asked to present to the State Board of Education Meeting in November.  One of the precepts of community schools is to ask stakeholders families, students & staff) what they need and then figure out the best way to provide it.  Jeannette applied that thought to PD.  Roughly 300 certificated staff were absent on October 14.  FCEA is working with FCUSD to gather attendance data for this year to compare to last year’s voluntary October PD and to develop a survey for certificated staff and administration to follow up on how, as a district, we can identify what PD is needed and when and how to provide it.

  • 1:27 Sean Martin presented a staffing update on bus drivers.  Currently there are 55 routes [49 buses, 5 vans, and 1 suv].  Forty of these routes serve SPED students and the other 15 are general ed.  While there is more interest among gen ed students there is insufficient capacity.  There are 6 “variable” positions so drivers can sub in but currently unfilled positions plus leaves or absences mean there are often insufficient humans to cover all routes.  Please see the powerpoint in the agenda if you want to see more detail on the district’s efforts to post, recruit and creatively problem solve to find more drivers.  This is a challenge nationwide as well as regionally.

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