June 20, 2024
Here is a link to the board meeting video. Remember you can find presentations linked to the school board agenda online.
Highlights: (video time stamp)
1:04 Official Board “thank you” to Dr. Sarah Koligian upon her retirement. [1:16 has Dr. Koligian’s reflection and response as she heads off to her retirement]
1:27 FCEA President Jeannette Sansenbach’s report
1:31 Consent: please see the long list of items passed under consent. Items include Adopted Budget for 2024-25, Elementary and Secondary Bell Schedules, Williams Act 3Q report, 2024-25 LCAP
1:39 Presentation and discussion of 2024-25 Transportation Routes and Services
3:01 Overview of CA School Dashboard report on Local Indicator Self Reflection
3:15 1st read of revised Board Policy, BP5145.12, Search and Seizure