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Voluntary Transfer Process Updates


Updated: Jan 30

In November, FCEA and FCUSD signed MOU #3 designed to fix some issues with the existing Voluntary Transfer Process language [Article 11.3 in the contract].  This language facilitated posting openings over the summer after the internal process has been completed and provided a mechanism to allow teachers requesting a specific assignment at a specific site to be part of the interview process if an opening occurs in the summer or outside the dates listed below.  It is incumbent on the employee to complete forms in TalentEd following the timeline and to check their work email over the summer if they are looking for this position.  The district can interview over Teams so take your vacation but be sure to check in on your email if you’ve requested that change in the open general transfer request.  

Timeline for Transfers

  • January 30 - Teachers should be notified if they are being surplused 

    • If the current assignment becomes available, then that teacher will be given the opportunity to remain at the site. 

  • Feb. 3rd - Open General Transfer Request

    • If you want out of your current placement, and don’t care where you land, then this is the time to apply for a general transfer. 

    • This would also be the time to apply for a specific school that your credentials correspond to. 

      • For example, if you want an English placement at Cordova High. Then this is the time to do this. This will allow you to be interviewed for this position until the beginning for the school year, 2025 - 2026. 

        • Even if you don’t see the placement offered during the two weeks, it may come up in the future. 

  • Feb. 3 - 14 All available vacancies will be posted that HR is aware of. 

    • Throughout the next four and half months, the position may open. 

  • Feb 14 - Last day to apply for a general transfer (internal candidates will be considered first for openings - no outside candidates will be offered jobs yet, unless it is a hard to fill position or no one with that credential has asked for a transfer) 

  • March 3 - 7 - Transfer interviews will take place

    • This process ONLY promises an interview, not the position. The principal has the last say in this process. 

  • March 10 - Successful requests or denial letters are sent to teachers

    • If you feel that you should have gotten the job, you can ask for a meeting with the Director of HR or designee to discuss the reasons for denial (Article 11.3.4) 

    • If you have requested three years straight and have never had a opportunity to transfer (you have gone to all interviews and haven’t turned down a position) then you must be granted a transfer that fits your credentials (Article 11.3.7) 

  • March 14 Surplus Reassignment Meeting

    • If you are on surplus list, you will not interview for these positions, you will pick your assignments that are left after the internal process is completed. 

  • March 17 Any positions that have not been filled, will be posted on Edjoin for anyone to apply for.

    • If there is a specific job that you see and have not applied for, you are still able to apply for the job until the internal process closes. 

  • June 13 Internal Transfers will close. 

    • The only exception to this is the individuals who applied for a specific school grade level/span. (See MOU #3 2024 - 2025) 

      • For example, an English position came open at Cordova High in July, and a staff person requested a transfer to Cordova High School - English, then HR will contact you. There is a very small window to get back to HR, so please keep communications open.

  • The forms are located on the Staff Website, then click on "Forms and Documents". Put in the word transfers, and the forms should come up. There are seven different forms, make sure you are choosing the correct one.


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