Here are the links to the agenda and YouTube video of the meeting. Note the agenda includes pdfs and slide presentations of meetings and is posted on the webpage prior to the board meetings.
Below is the time stamp from the video with highlights of topics likely to be of interest to our members.
30:10 FCEA President’s Report
36:25 Board accepts FCUSD Sunshine letter for bargaining 2024-25 [pdf]
37:15 Board accepts FCEA’s Sunshine letter for bargaining 2024-25 [pdf]
38:15 Sean Martin’s presentation on closing out the 2023-24 budget as of July 30 through the Unaudited Actuals Financial Report [ppt - check it out…it’s pretty readable]
51:33 Instructional Calendar for 2025-26 Draft. Based on the new board policy. There was discussion, clarification over spring break BP language. An updated version will be brought to bargaining next week on Sept. 11 and come back to the board in its final form at the next meeting [pdfs]
1:04:38 Vital Signs - district data report. Focused on results from last spring, particularly credit recovery programs at CHS and FHS completed during the school year (rather than summer school). Note: credit recovery currently uses Apex but the contract is up this year so will be reviewing Apex and alternatives over the course of this year. There is also a final report from Panorama SEL Surveys, suspensions and attendance rates/chronic absenteeism. [ppt]