We are disappointed to report NO significant movement today at the bargaining table. FCEA countered the district’s August financial offer by moving significantly off our May initial salary offer, but the district provided NO increase to theirs. This is despite an updated budget presentation from Mr. Martin, which showed up to $6 MILLION in anticipated new ongoing funding the district can expect to receive this year due to increased enrollment and attendance beyond August projections.
FCEA Countered the district’s offer [see ppt below] from August with:
(1) 6.2% salary increase retroactive to July 1st 2023.
(2) For 2024-2025, we proposed a 3% salary increase with the option to reopen health care.
We acknowledged the district’s 2024-2026 calendar proposal that would add an extra paid workday for two years. This adds approximately 0.5% to the salary schedule (please note this sunsets and the money runs out in two years unless additional funding is found)
The District brought back their same offer [copy posted below] of 2% with contingency language based on:
(1) ADA and enrollment that will not be reported out until April
(2) 3.94% COLA for 2024-25 in the Governor’s May Budget Revise (yes that’s right 2024-25.)
If both of these criteria are met it could mean an additional increase between 1.1% - 2.55%. Again, they also shared their calendar proposal for 2024-25 and 2025-2026.
Next steps:
1. URGENT: member’s only meeting Tuesday Oct 17 at 4 pm (FHS library) to discuss what members want to do next.
2. Pack the school board on Oct 19th [Pizza will be served from 5-5:30]
See below for the FCEA ppt presentation. Come to the Oct. 19th board meeting for updated numbers and further clarification. Also, see the district’s “revised offer” below.