FCEA and FCUSD bargaining teams met Wednesday September 11. Much of the meeting was informational or follow up. Two MOUs were completed.
Early Notice of Retirement. $1500 for notifying HR by Jan 10 if retiring at the end of the school year
Rather than using ratio factors, Appendix B in the contract will nowlist all positions with a link to their salary schedule that reflects ratios or additional days to provide greater clarity
Follow up
Comprehensive HS supervision - follow up from Principals Meeting
Evaluation Subcommittees had their organizational meeting August 29. The 3 subcommittees [Rubrics, Roles, Tech] will be meeting to complete their assigned tasks by the end of November
Alternative Ed. Sideletters - Don, Tracy and Charity have been meeting with sites to complete their Practices and Policies documents to address unique needs at their sites
PE Inclusion -Peter Maroon came to answer questions and to discuss plans for teacher training on de-escalation for Oct 14, use of 3rd Thursday PLC time, and the process for identifying adaptive PE equipment needs at sites
Both FCUSD and FCEA shared annual sunshine letters that were presented at the Sept 5th School Board meeting
The 2025-26 Instructional Calendar was also presented at the School Board meeting. It was built based on the updated board policies. One change was made to the calendar after clarifying spring break requirements. Going forward, spring break will be the first full week of April. The calendar below will be on the School Board’s consent agenda on Sept. 19th
