ESS (Educational Support Services) gave a presentation about providing substitute workers for CSEA (classified) employees. The district is facing a huge issue filling classified substitute positions and ESS is on board to help by providing a larger substitute pool for the district to draw upon. Their first focus this spring is on IA positions which affects our membership and is why this presentation regarding CSEA was shared.
Several job descriptions were jointly updated for CYBHI (Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative) by FCUSD/FCEA including: school counselor, school psychologist , and speech and language pathologists. Student support specialist job description will have further review in March alongside the Community Schools MOU annual update.
Several MOUs were presented and reviewed:
240 minute minimum days were updated to include more details on how minimum days are allocated throughout the year. All campuses will have 10(ten) minimum days. How those minimum days will be allocated is still in the works.
All summer school pay rates/stipends were adjusted to the highest rate to attract more teachers for Summer 2025 and to reflect the 24-25 2.5% increase. Teachers may teach multiple sessions.
Teachers who are covering for teachers out on extended leave by doing things like supplying lesson planning, grading, and/or scoring assessments for a 4 week - 20 working day period will be paid two days at their daily rates if pre-approved by the site admin. This amount may be prorated. If you are providing this support be sure your admin has approved and received HR sign off as well - in general we want that in writing (email is fine) before you start doing the extra work.
Language is being updated in the contract regarding Article 19.4 (to clarify complaints on members) to address changes to the process of when complaints are lodged. The idea is to provide a clear process and safeguards when members are alerted to a formal complaint. A related article is being developed to outline site administrator disciplinary steps so there is transparency and consistency in that process.
The district introduced a program to provide “Welcoming School Guidelines” for staff (response to email/phone calls, how to work and positively engage parents, etc...). This applies to everyone working in the district whether it is departments at ESC or a site or an individual.
A first draft regarding evaluation language in Article 12 for our upcoming pilot was shared. This rewrite of the evaluation process for teachers is still in the works. An update video that adds some more specificity should be rolled out at all sites in February.