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About Us

FCEA Mission Statement

The Folsom Cordova Education Association and the California Teachers Association exist to protect and promote the well-being of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal, and quality public education; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children and youth are protected; and to secure a more just, equitable, and democratic society.

FCEA's strong power base for negotiations, school board elections, and issue organizing depends on the coordinated actions and interactions between all parties.

Organizational Structure

FCEA's Leadership consists of the Executive Board (the Policy Implementation Body), Bargaining Team, Grievance Committee, Organizing/Communications Team, and Representative Council. The Site Reps share information and educate our membership. The Membership and the Representative Council are the ultimate authority for policy-making decisions.

Constitution and Rules
Executive Board

Executive Board

Rep Council Outside.jpeg

Representative Council

It derives its powers from and shall be responsible to the Active Membership. Faculty representatives and their alternates shall be elected by and from the Active Membership for each faculty group. Such elections shall be open nominations by secret ballot.

Each faculty shall be entitled to at least one representative and shall have one representative for each fifteen (15) FCEA members or major fraction thereof, of members on the faculty (Ex: 23 = 2 representatives). Faculties with multiple reps at a school site need to appoint a lead rep who serves as spokesperson for FCEA at their site. Lead faculty rep and designee will be responsible for problem solving at their site, meeting at least two times per month or as needed, with their site administrator(s), following the current language in the FCEA contract. Site reps will receive credit for two (2) adjunctive duty assignments.

Representatives are the direct link between FCEA and its members. Representatives hold meetings, distribute information, and confer with site administrators on teacher concerns.

Meetings occur approximately once per month. Check the calendar for the dates of these meetings.

Rep Council & Committees

FCEA School Site Representatives have the following roles:

Share Input

Discuss important issues and share the views and input of the bargaining unit members at their site with the Representative Council and/or the Executive Board

Communicate News

Serve as the official channel through which communication and publications can be easily transmitted between the association and bargaining unit members at their sites


Participate in meetings and activities in support of the bargaining process

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