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Oct. 5th School Board Meeting

FCEA would like to join the board in expressing our sadness as we all mourn the loss of Michelle MacDonald(Russell Ranch) who passed away this week. We join the board in extending our thoughts and prayers to her husband Aaron MacDonald (FMS), students, colleagues, FCUSD/FCEA family and the community as we mourn the loss of Michelle.

Thank you to the members who did indeed create standing room only in their red shirts Thursday. At the 1:15 Jacob L (CHS) described challenges of our jobs and the need for respect in light of all you do. At 1:35 you can see President Sansenbach's speech which started with a Shakespearian quote and ended with her hope for a better (more respectful) offer when we meet to bargain next week.

Other items of interest: [2:28] Scott Meyer presented a report on the 20 day attendance challenge. As a district, all grade levels showed improvement over last year -kudos to all school staff, especially the attendance clerks who went to great lengths to reach out to students and families. [2:53] Crystal Grooms, Vista, and Carrie Jackson, CHS, presented an overview and early data from Pure Data, a tardy management system and Minga, a communication system being implemented in our high schools.

Reminder: Monday October 9th at 6 pm is a Special Session Board Meeting to continue to discuss whether/when to put a bond on the ballot for Rancho Cordova.

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