Thank you to White Rock and Mangini Ranch staff who came out tonight. If your site hasn’t had a night at the board meeting yet, please check with your rep; there are two board meetings in May that don’t have volunteer sites yet :). Here is a link to the board meeting video. Remember you can find presentations and copies of board policy edits linked to the school board agenda online.
1:09 Highlights including art contest winners from SEL Day
1:17 Vista teacher Pablo C. presented an overview of the district VAPA program
1:26 FHS Counselors Nikka V. and Sofia M shared during public comments
1:42 Tatiana LaBass was announced as the new principal at White Rock Elem.
1:46 Update on the resolution to the students’ request for recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day - There is an existing district resource celebrating many cultural dates but it has been hard to find. If you click on the calendar icon on the FCUSD homepage you will see a link on the right to the FCUSD Cultural Observances Calendar. Be sure to check it out.
1:58 Another follow up topic. The district has begun the process of applying for the Native American Title VI Education Program Grant.
2:08Update on the A-G Access Grant. Thank you to all the counselors who’ve put a lot of effort into this, especially Julie W for leading the charge.